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Replica Ebel Watches behind itMurano glass*** techniques have been carefully kept secret and passed from one family member to another, often lost, occasionally recovered, influenced by the spectacular beauty of Venice and by the changing times, of humans and of arts. There is something about glass that brings to mind magic, hell of fire and heaven of beauty combined to create art objects of such fragility and delicacy. Glass makers of Murano still use almost the same techniques as eight hundred years ago, with very little technological improvements, still *** each piece special, forged in the fire and sent on its way to make someone very happy.Value beyond the money spent on itAntique Murano glass now demands very high prices on world art auctions, but for the rest of us, there are contemporary pieces, each still made just for us, each unique, each perfect.All of us have been in a desperate situation to find a gift for someone who seemingly has Replica Ebel Watches all. How to find an appropriate anniversary gift for your Uncle Nick and his wife Tina, who travelled the world, have a wonderful house full of antiques, a library full of first editions and a wine cellar for gods? The younger crowd is easy: a favorite music or a movie, the latest perfume or an exfoliant, or a day in a spa. But older, sophisticated folks, who are not into just stuff, they require careful thought. What is needed is something with a History, Timeless beauty, a Story behind it and a Value that transcends the money you spend on it. Anniversary gifts that fulfill all of these requirements and are sure to please older favorite relatives are pieces of Murano glass.HistoryMurano glassmakers have been creating objects of everyone s desires for more than eight hundred years. Tucked on a small group of island about an hour boat ride from Venice, they invented, perfected, made famous and preserved the beauty of glass. They have been venerated and persecuted at different times, their skills and trade secrets have been protected, envied, lost and recovered many times through history, only to be flourishing again with the backdrop of ancient Venice and its golden light, old churches and new dreams.Timeless BeautyGlass has been used to decorate homes since Roman times, but no one before Murano glassmakers made glass into such precious, breathtakingly beautiful objects that seem to reflect the beauty of Venice and trap drops of history in each carefully crafted piece of glass art. Murano glass designs survived centuries of fashion and political changes, and, although now crafted to reflect modern tastes, still preserve the timeless beauty of the original, antique creations now part of famous private or museum collections Replica Ebel Watches.

